I whole-heartedly believe in art’s universality and inherent ability to bridge gaps - educational and otherwise. Typically, art is viewed as an easy elective, a subject not necessary for the “real world,” and something only naturally talented people should pursue. I want to change those misconceptions. I believe learning about art is essential to the development of decent human beings. Not only does it encourage creativity, inspire problem-solving, and promote self-reflection, it straddles every discipline and can forge connections between subject matters for students who may struggle with correlation. It’s something we all have in common and something that permeates our everyday lives, whether we know it or not. Art is an integral part of our past and current world and I want to teach students that it’s not only oil painting and pottery making. Art is a diverse force and integral piece of history, advertising, print media, software development, math, small business ownership, graphic design, social media, memes, fashion, construction, poetry, music, and, well, you get my point.
Art is everywhere and it’s for everyone.